Cat Eye Dream

We're in your dream right now. You've been asleep for a long time…


UX and Interaction designer

Assets Designer

Game Designer

Game Developer


2 Game Developer

2 Assets Designer

1 Game Designer


Visual Design

Product Thinking

Software Release Life Cycle





Adobe Illustrator


Story Introduction

In the heart of Cat Eye Dream lies the story of a young Asian girl with raven-black hair, a silent witness to the turmoil of high school life. Facing the sting of relentless bullying, she finds solace in the depths of her dreams, a world where she can escape the harsh realities of her waking hours. Clad in a simple sleeping dress—her armor in this dreamscape—she navigates the intricate realm of her own creation, reluctant to return to a world that has shown her cruelty. Her adventure through this dream world is as much about finding courage and strength as it is about escaping her tormentors, and every challenge overcome is a step towards the ultimate decision: to wake up or to stay within the confines of her dream haven.

Main Character is unable to wake up

  • The character/Player must traverse through 2 dream worlds - one being completely abstract and the other becoming more mixed reality (dreamworld and real-world meshing together).

  • Must solve puzzles in order to advance through the dream worlds

    • MC must also solve the abstract dream world before moving onto the mixed-reality dreamworld where it contributes to the backstory and lore of how MC got into the situation in the first place.

Game Mechanics

MC can interact with a number of things:

  • Objects

  • Main menu

  • Inventory 

  • Cat guardian angel 

    • health restoration

    • advice/tips if stuck

    • save/load

Game Flowchart

Beginning Cat (Radish)

Vine Cat (Ginger)

Lake Cat (Blackie)

Bridge Cat (Bridgette)

End Cat (Simba)

House Cat Left

NPC Design

Guardian Angel (and Naratives)

Radish: Hello, it's good to see you again. Huh? How do I know you? Why, I'm the guardian angel that's part of your mind! We're in your dream right now. You've been asleep for a long time…

You don't seem to remember this place. That's okay! I'm sure if you explore some, more of your memory will come back to you. But be careful around these parts! Rumor is, there's something dangerous lurking in the forest. You'll have to avoid it if you want to explore.

You can move around using the [WASD] keys, and you can run by using the [WASD] keys and holding the [shift] key at the same time. If you need to hide, simply walk behind something until you're completely hidden by it, you should be safe then.

If you need any more help, look for guardian angels nearby! They should be able to give you advice to help you on your journey. Good luck!

Ginger: Wow! Did you see that great big magical seed over there? It looks like it'll grow a vine. I bet it'd make a vine so big, you could even walk on it.

Have you really never grown a magic plant before? It's easy, you only need 3 things:

Miracle grow, water from the magic lake, and a nice place with soft dirt to plant the seed.

The magic lake is just up north from here. You should find my friend Black up there, too. He loves to lounge by the lake.

Blackie: Oh, there you are. It's been a while since I've seen you. Have you really gotten so tall?  When I last saw you, you only came up to about this high on my knee, and now, I am the one who is only as tall as your knee! Time flies.

This lake behind me has magic water that helps all the local flora grow. If you had a bucket, you could take some of that water with you. I bet it would come in handy.

There should be a bucket around here somewhere. I think Radish was the one who had it last, so maybe it's somewhere south.

Bridgette: Why's it so foggy over there? If I were you, I wouldn't go that way, it's probably pretty hard to see, and really dangerous…

Huh? You feel like you're forgetting something important, and that you have to go over there in order to remember it!?

…Be careful while you're looking for your memory fragments. If you get caught by a monster, you might fall asleep forever.

Simba: Did you see all of your memory fragments yet? When you're ready to remember the date, walk to the wall behind me.

When you've pieced together your memory in the right order, your mind fog will clear... Then, you may proceed upwards into the conscious.

Leftie: Meow

Enemy Ghost 

In a world as fantastical as Cat Eye Dream, even our enemies are a part of the charm! We’ve struck a balance between the eerie and the endearing by infusing cuteness into our design.

House Cat Right

Main Character 

In a world as fantastical as Cat Eye Dream, even our enemies are a part of the charm! We’ve struck a balance between the eerie and the endearing by infusing cuteness into our design.

Rightie: Meow


Ruby Hanfu Store

