Escape FPS Game

A FPS escape game in Maze.

Framework & Techniques

Framework: Standard Assets.unityPackage and Unity 3D game tutorial, the enemy (cannibal) & player model and animation.


The scene will be presented as the First-person view, and in front of the camera are the player's hands holding with weapons. We have four different kinds of weapons, which are:
Players can hit the number 1/2/3/4 on the keyboard to change their weapons.

  • 1-Axe

  • 2-Revolver

  • 3-Shotgun

  • 4-Assault Rifle


There would be many enemies (cannibals) spread out in the maze. Those cannibals will patrol, chase, and attack players when the distance between them and players reaches a low value. The players will win the game when they reach the final exit of the maze without being killed by the enemies.

 Some keys players need to know to play the game: 

  • ↑↓←→ four arrow keys or WASD to move

  • Move the mouse to change view and direction

  • Left-click mouse to hit and shot

  • 1/2/3/4 to change weapons


Chuhan Ma:
Game environment rendering
Visual effect
Enemy animation & Model
Enemy attack & chase
Final test

Chuwen Sun:
Maze setup
Collision detection & handling
Player animation & Model
Sound & visual effect
Final test

Game Play


Cat Eye Dream


Memory of the 21st Century